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Tag: gym

Barcelona – HTML/CSS Template for Fitness Gym and Fitness Centers

Barcelona is a clean, flat, pixel perfect and modern HTML Template suitable for any type of Sport, Gym, Fitness Center, Health Clubs, Dance Studios and many more. Barcelona is designed according to the latest trends, it comes with tons of customization options and features. It includes Portfolio, Classes, Trainers, Shop Designs, loop and other pages

Doockers – HTML5 Business Template

Doockers – HTML5 Business Template that built on top of a convenience and simplicity of 8 home page layouts. Doockers allows you to drastically reduce the time and cost of development and enjoy what you do best to impress the world. For Free 21 PSD files just Send your Purchase Code ( Features 8 Home

Dancing School – HTML Template

Dancing School HTML Template Dancing School is a modern and super clean business HTML template which is best suited for Dance School, Yoga, Gym, related services. It includes all the necessary functionality to present Registration services online. Dancing School Power template is extremely easy customizable. Main Features : Modern and Responsive layout HTML5 and CSS3