Bootstrap 4 Templates

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Tag: food

Kababi – Restaurant HTMl Template

Kababi – Restaurant HTMl Template Janelas is built for Restaurants, Fast Food, Bakery, Cafe, Food Shop, Tea/Coffee Shop, Seafood Restaurant, Catering, Food Business Websites. It’s easy to customize HTML template for your purpose. We worked on Kababi to make it user-friendly, modern looking and coded it to the latest standards to make it load fast

Modhu – Beekeeping and Honey HTML Template

Modhu – Beekeeping and Honey HTML Template Modhu is a modern theme perfect for all types of honey production and organic food store websites. You get a beautiful assortment of beekeeping, honey shop and organic food templates. Harvest the finest honey the WordPress honeycomb has to offer, get Modhu today! Modhu is built as a

Foores – Restaurant Site Template

Foores Restaurant is a clean and modern HTML 5 site template for Cafe & Restaurant and any food related business web site. A unique feature are the working forms: it comes with a useful Wizard Reservation form that send a nice email to the restaurant owner and a thank you/confirmation email to the user who

Nest – Multipurpose eCommerce HTML Template

OVERVIEW Nest is an attractive HTML Bootstrap 5.x template specially designed for the multipurpose shops like mega store, grocery store, supermarket, organic shop, and online stores selling products like beverages, vegetables, fruits, ice creams, paste, herbs, juice, meat, cold drinks, sausages, cocktails, soft drinks, cookies… Moreover, our HTML solution provides a set of features designed

Stories – Personal Blog React NextJS Template

OVERVIEW Stories is a clean and minimal blog template built with React Next.js aiming at faster performance, high code quality & SEO. This template is especially suitable for writers who need to create personal blog site with simple creative features and effects to make readers feel the pleasure of reading blog posts and articles. Packed

Ganic – Grocery store Responsive HTML5 Template

Important note: This is an HTML template not a WP theme. Please make sure you need the HTML version before purchasing. We can’t be held responsible for wrong purchases, we won’t be providing any refunds for purchases by mistake. Ganic – Organic Food & Grocery Market Template is a high-quality template with unique style and

Foodily – Food and Beverage Shop HTML Template

Foodily – Food and beverage shop HTML Template Foodily has designed for small food & beverage shops/restaurants and food blogger who love to write about food and recipes. Its simple design can convey your beverage and food information to the food lovers, your clients who already love your food and keep updated, new customers discover

Being – Personal Blog HTML Template

Being. is a Modern, Minimal and Clean Personal Blog Template for all writters , It is ideal for travel, lifestyle, food, fashion, minimal,or photography blogs and more related website. It is very well organized and completed with all elements that are required. Features 3 of Homepages 4 of Blog layouts 3 of post layouts Dark

Gute – React Next Minimalist Blog Template

1. Introduction Gute is evaluated as my most unique Blog React Next Template Theme for Blog online with a clean and modern design. There is no doubt that Gute will make your work look more impressive and attractive to viewers. With the designed on-grid system, your site will look sharp on all screens. You can

Farmey – Agriculture & Farm Food HTML Template

Farmey is a modern HTML Template ideal for business like agriculture, farm and organic food business. The template contains a large variety of pages that will help your company present the essential information to highlight the services and most relevant business’s information. It is totally customizable, has a clean code and very well documented for