Stisla is a modern and clean admin template based on Bootstrap 4. There are many components, 30+ integrated modules, 15+ sample pages, which will make it easier for you to create an admin page layout.
Also, we use the popular CSS preprocessor, namely SASS with the SCSS syntax. That way, you will be easy to adjust the color, font type, and other CSS rules. We have overwritten Bootstrap’s default CSS rules so that they conform to Stisla. In addition, you can customize the components that are already on Stisla with your needs.
Almost all of our Bootstrap 4 components are overwritten to have a cleaner and more convenient interface for your admin page users.
There are at least 70+ pages on this template and 18 of them are sample pages such as (Posts, Settings, etc), which can speed up your project.
Not only that, some Stisla components have JavaScript APIs, it will make it easier for you to interact with these components, right?
Stisla does not use free images such as those provided by Pexels, Pixabay or the like. Stisla uses self-made placeholder images, so you don’t have to worry about image licensing issues.
Most importantly, don’t worry about documentation, we have arranged it so you don’t get lost.
Stisla is usually used for ecommerce projects, blogs, SaaS, company profiles, and other projects that require an admin page, because with Stisla you can adjust whatever layout and components are needed.
Let’s see more details …
Main Features
- Bootstrap 4
- Verified by W3C
- Well Documented
- Clean and Modern Design
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Fully Responsive
- Cross-browser compatibility
- 30+ Integrated modules
- 15+ Example Pages
- Google maps
- More
- Font Family: Nunito
- Font Weight: 400, 600, 700, 800
- Main Colors: Primary, Secondary, Success, Info, Warning, Danger, Light and Dark
Example Pages
Speed up your project with several pre-built pages available.
- Login
- Forgot Password
- Reset Password
- Register
- Posts
- Create New Post
- Settings
- Setting Details
- Errors: 403, 404, 500, 503
- Contact Form
- Subscribe Form
- Invoice
- Activities
- Tickets
- Profile
Integrated Modules
Stisla has many components, and some of these components are integrated with one of the modules below because 30+ third-party libraries have been integrated with Stisla.
- Browser Icons by Marina D
- Bootstrap by @mdo and @fat
- Bootstrap Color Picker by Javi Aguilar
- Bootstrap Date Range by Dan Grossman
- Bootstrap Social Button by Panayiotis Lipiridis
- Bootstrap Tags Input by Schlechter
- Timepicker by @jdewit
- Chocolat by @nicolas-t
- Cleave.JS by @nosir
- Codemirror by Marijn Haverbeke
- DataTables by @datatables
- Dropzone.JS by Matias Meno
- Flag Icon CSS by Panayiotis Lipiridis
- Font Awesome by @fontawesome
- Full Calendar by Adam Shaw
- IonIcons by Ionic Framework
- jQuery by The jQuery Foundation
- jQuery PWStrength by Mato Ilic
- jQuery Selectric by Leonardo Santos
- jQuery UI by The jQuery Foundation
- jQuery Vector Map by Manifest Interactive
- NiceScroll by InuYaksa
- OwlCarousel by David Deutsch
- Prism by @PrismJS
- Select2 by Kevin Brown and Igor Vaynberg
- Simple Weather by James Fleeting
- Summernote by Alan Hong
- Sweet Alert by Tristan Edwards
- iziToast by Dolce
- Upload Preview by Opoloo
- Weather Icon by Erik Flowers
- Chart.JS by Nick Downie
- GMaps.JS by Gustavo Leon
- Sparkline by Gareth Watts
- Moment by @moment
- Popper.JS by Federico Zivolo
- Tooltip.JS by Federico Zivolo
Bootstrap 4 Components Overwritten
We overwrite the CSS rules in Bootstrap 4 default so that the colors and typography adjust the template.
- Alert
- Badge
- Breadcrumb
- Buttons
- Card
- Carousel
- Collapse
- Dropdown
- Form
- List Group
- Media Object
- Modal
- Nav
- Navbar
- Pagination
- Popover
- Progress
- Table
- Tooltip
- Typography
Google Maps
We use Gmaps.js to create a Google Maps component. So, you can make more components with Gmaps.js. Most importantly, prepare API KEY, because we use Google Maps API V3.
- Advanced Route
- Draggable Marker
- Geocoding
- Geolocation
- Marker
- Multiple Marker
- Route
- Simple Map
Don’t worry, by reading the documentation you won’t get lost. We wrote only a few important things documented, more clearly you can see on the page in the template.
We strongly emphasize that you first try Stisla on the demo page before buying it.
What’s in the box?
By purchasing this template, you will get:
- HTML pages
- CSS files
- JavaScript files
- All integrated third-party Libraries
- Images & Icons
- Fonts
- Documentation
- SCSS Files
- Adobe Illustrator Files (for placeholder images)
You will also get support from you if needed, send us an email at with the subject (Stisla Support – Your Subject). We will prepare 1-3 working days, please be patient.
Help Stisla Better
If you buy this template, don’t forget to give us a review, give us a comment so we can improve what needs to be improved and must be improved. It doesn’t have to be 5 stars, honesty is more important.