Maxino is a clean, multifunctional, highly customizable one page CV/Resume HTML5 Template. You can make an excellent online resume with about, skill, resume, portfolio, services, blog, pricing, client and contact section by
using Maxino. This template is fully responsive, mobile-friendly, Retina-ready and bootstrap based. Maxino is suitable as a vCard, creative Portfolio or personal CV and resume website for artists, designers, and job-seekers.
It’s design & premium graphics look awesome on any device your employer/client uses: iPhone, iPad, Android, Mac, BlackBerry, Windows & Linux. Feel free to contact support
Our Core Features:
- HTML5 & CSS3 & jQuery
- Modern And Creative Design
- Universal menu
- 100% Responsive
- Blog Page
- Well documented
- Complete SASS files
- Bootstrap 4.1.2
- IcoFont 1.0.1 Used
- Google Font Used
- Lightcase Used
- Google Map
- Eye Catching Design
- W3C Valid Code
We are using several CSS files in this Template. LabArtisan Always follow the latest trends of coding standard. Many browser interpret the default behavior of HTML elements differently. By using a general reset CSS file, we can work round this. This file also contains some general styling, such as anchor tag colors, font-sizes, etc. Keep in mind, that these values might be overridden somewhere else in the file.
CSS Fiile Included
- animate css used
- Bootstrap css used
- lightcase used
- swiper used
- favicon used
- IcoFont used
- style.css used
- and some other necessary css files