Dleohr is a modern admin dashboard template which is based on HTML 5, Bootstrap 4. This admin template is mainly used for Human Resource management which simplified your manual process which leaves management, employee management & Office Management. Main Core Features Company Management Employee Management Office Management Team Management Team, Leave and Payroll Reports Template
Tag: employee
Payonline – Online Payroll and HR Software HTML Template
Payonline is a perfect template for online Payroll and HR Software Solutions. It has perfect layout to display all your major services and show your skills. Payonline has HR solutions to fit the needs of any size business. From do-it-yourself payroll to human capital management, Payonline has exactly what you need to take your business
Maxino – Personal Resume HTML5 Template
Maxino is a clean, multifunctional, highly customizable one page CV/Resume HTML5 Template. You can make an excellent online resume with about, skill, resume, portfolio, services, blog, pricing, client and contact section by using Maxino. This template is fully responsive, mobile-friendly, Retina-ready and bootstrap based. Maxino is suitable as a vCard, creative Portfolio or personal CV
Digest-Personal Resume Template
Digest is a simple, creative and responsive HTML template for showcasing your portfolio and personal information. I used all modern technologies like HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, and jQuery in this template. This template gives you a personal space to share what you are all about as a creative Designer, Developer, Photographer or pretty much any profession!
Digest-Personal Resume Template
Digest is a simple, creative and responsive HTML template for showcasing your portfolio and personal information. I used all modern technologies like HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, and jQuery in this template. This template gives you a personal space to share what you are all about as a creative Designer, Developer, Photographer or pretty much any profession!
Ja – Advanced Personal Resume / CV vCard Template
Ja is an advanced personal HTML/CSS template based on Bootstrap 4 framework. It fits perfectly as a one-page resume / CV webiste or virtual business card. There are available different 42 home page concepts with different types of navigations and section transitions. Thanks to responsive design it is going to look and work awesome on