Bootstrap 4 Templates

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Tag: saas

Apps Soft – apps saas software showcase HTML5 responsive template

Apps Soft is a highly Resposive HTML5 template With Bootstrap 4x, SASS. Apps Soft Created base on your Startup Apps And Software. It’s has Lot of features. Template Features: Use Bootstrap 4x Latest version All Latest version frameworks Owl Carousel 2 W3C Validated HTML and CSS Build with Sass Pixel Perfect Clean & Unique Design

Apps Soft – Apps saas HTML Landing Template

Apps Soft is a highly Resposive HTML5 template With Bootstrap 4x, SASS. Apps Soft Created base on your Startup Apps And Software. It’s has Lot of features. Template Features: Use Bootstrap 4x Latest version All Latest version frameworks Owl Carousel 2 W3C Validated HTML and CSS Build with Sass Pixel Perfect Clean & Unique Design

Cronos – Software/Startup HTML Template

Cronos, is a lightweight and customizable premium HTML template ideal for showcasing Software Solutions, SAAS Products and Startups. Built with Twitter Bootstrap Framework 4, HTML and CSS3. Cronos includes all SASS code for a complete and easy customization experience. Features Twitter Bootstrap 4 HTML5 and CSS3 Markup Fully Responsive Layout Working Mail Chimp API 3.0

Protech SaaS – SaaS, Software & WebApp Template

Introduction Protech SaaS is a SaaS, Software, Web Application & Startups Landing Page template. This is a powerful and super flexible tool, especially designed for who wants to start their Application or Software Business. Also it can be used for App Landing or App showcasing Website. It is built upon Twitter Bootstrap 4 framework and

Redial – Bootstrap 4 Admin/Dashboard Template

Redial is a bootstrap admin dashboard template built with Twitter Bootstrap 4 Framework and it has a huge collection of reusable UI components and integrated with jQuery plugins also. It is also easy to use and modify that is suitable to your needs and can be implemented to your desire projects such Project Management System,

Hosted – Hosting HTML Template

Hosted – is a HTML Template for Web Hosting Services and Domain Registration and multi purpose business. is Clean, Responsive And Modern design based on Bootstrap 4.0 framework , Hosted is fully responsive and works very good smartphones, tablet and desktops. Features: Bootstrap 4.0 Fully Responsive Design Valid HTML5 and CSS3 CSS3 Animations Note: All

Minimo Pro – Responsive Bootstrap 4 & 3 Admin Dashboard Template, UI and WebApp Template

Bootstrap 3.x and 4.x Options available Dashboard UI Kit User Cards Tab Badges Buttons Floating Action Buttons Carousel Dock Modal Dropdown Dropdown menu Sortable Nav Breadcrumbs Pagination Alert Callout Tooltip Accordion Tab Process Progress bar Spinner Timeline Timeline activity Layout Bootstrap grid Sidebar Mini Sidebar Horizontal Menu Mega Menu Extra pages Invoice Profile Login Register

SaaSLab – Software, SaaS and WebApp Bootstrap Template

Intro SaaSLab – Bootstrap Template is specially designed for Web App, Software, Mobile, SaaS Product Based Marketing Websites. It’s a creative, multipurpose and professional Startup, WebApp, SaaS Product landing template. It has 5 Pre made Demos, How it work page, Shop related pages, Blog pages and many more. SaaSLab design is creative, modern, clean and

Gradient Able Bootstrap 4 & Angular 5 Admin Dashboard Template

Visual Presentation Gradient Able is a beautiful admin dashboard template built over Bootstrap 4 and comes with Angular 4 too. It will help you get started developing your project dashboards in no time. Using Gradient Able Dashboard is pretty simple but require basic knowledge of javascript, CSS and of course Angular. Gradient Able Dashboard was

Luxury – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template

Luxury is a responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template. It provides you with a vast collection of ready to use code snippets and utilities many custom pages and a collection of applications and widgets Features 8 built-in Color Skins And You Can Add Your Own Light/Dark Sidebar Themes Up coming free Landing Pages For Your Website