Bootstrap 4 Templates

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Tag: reactjs

Samar | Creative Agency React Template

Template Features 3 Home Page Slider Portfolio Key Feature News Letter Pricing Plan Testimonial Query Form FAQ Contact Form Style Varient Social Blog Style Coming Soon Page Error Page Blog Page Site Down page Credits Google Fonts : Krub Font Awesome :Click to See Images : Next Js: Node Sass:Click to see React

Khairah – Charity Nonprofit React Template

Khairah – Charity Nonprofit React Template Khairah is a Fully Responsive React Template built on Reactstrap 4, Pure React js, Without jQuery. It’s a modern crafted React template which can be used for Charity Nonprofit React Template. This is highly customizable – looks awesome on tablets and mobile devices. We have included a documentation folder

Lucid – React Admin Template

Regular License ( $35 )Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee. Extended License ( $999)Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users can be charged for. The

Crypo – Cryptocurrency Exchange Dashboard React App

CRYPO – Cryptocurrency Trading Dashboard CRYPO is an React responsive bootstrap based cryptocurrency trading dashboard. This template’s main aim is to provide a lot of well-coded components. You can use these components to build your next cryptocurrency or money exchange platform. By default, we provide 2 themes light and dark. you can easily customize your

Denti – Landing page React JS Template

Denti is a fully-featured responsive Bootstrap based on React JS framework template for doctors, dentists and clinics. It is easy to use this design. You can adapt it to any activity. There is a lot of space for the information and a design is a great decision if you want to present your activity on

Hosco – Dentist & Medical React JS Template

Hosco is a fully-featured responsive Bootstrap based on React JS framework dentist & medical clinic template. It is easy to use this design. You can adapt it to any activity. There is a lot of space for the information and a design is a great decision if you want to present your activity on the

Malex – Business Consulting Agency React JS Template

Malex is a fully-featured responsive Bootstrap based on React JS framework business consulting agency template. It is easy to use this design. You can adapt it to any activity. There is a lot of space for the information and a design is a great decision if you want to present your activity on the internet

Gradient Able Reactjs Admin Dashboard

Gradient Able ReactJS Admin Template Gradient Able React Admin Template is made using ReactJS. It fully support React Hooks funcationality with having support of React Strap (i.e.Bootstrap 4) for any easy or complex dashboard need. Technology Stack Gradient Able is made using latest technical aspects for modern era development. Following is the list of tech

Loversy – Wedding Photography React JS Template

Loversy is a fully-featured responsive Bootstrap based React Js framework wedding photography template. It is easy to use this design. You can adapt it for any activity. There are a lot of space for the information and a design is a great decision, if you want to present your activity on the internet in the

Supro – Minimalist eCommerce ReactJS Template

Latest Version 1.0.0 Release Jan 30, 2021, Click HERE to view the Changelog Support React Hooks Integration REST API Support Dynamic site title Optimized loading speed Using data from API Use Linearicons Premium Version $59 Lazy Loading Images Back-end Strapi Martfury demo Included but we don’t support strapi Live Search Multiple header and footer Amazing