Bootstrap 4 Templates

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Tag: react

Vora – Saas React Admin Dashboard Template

Template Features Built on Latest React 1 Dashboard Awesome Customized Slider React 17.0.1 Responsive in Any Device React Bootstrap React Carousel Without jQuery Well Commented Code Smooth Transition Effects Integrated with FontAwesome & Flaticon Creative and Modern Design Fast, Lightweight & Powerful Easily Customizable Detailed Documentation High Resolution Clean And Professional Coding Multiple Blog Pages

Quicky – React Chat Template

Quicky, a modern and clean premium quality messaging template based on Bootstrap 4 & React using concept driven and minimal design. Its well optimized with mobile responsive approach. Quicky built using React, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3 and help of useful plugins. Features: Built with Bootstrap 4 Pure Components based React JS, no jQuery Dependency User friendly

Strada ― React Creative/Portfolio Template

Strada is a creative portofolio template perfect to build your agency website or your resume. It is built with Bootstrap, using ReactJS, SASS and VanillaJS. The combination of it’s unique design with smooth animations gives you the best user experience. Features ReactJS & VanillaJS React Hooks No jQuery Friendly code Dynamic detail pages Built with

Factro : Industrial Multipurpose React Template

About Factro Factro is a Industrial Fully Responsive React Template. It is designed specifically for industrial, construction, or other manufacturing websites. Factro designed layout that will be best suited for your all requirements. Factro React Template is perfect solution and follow highly quality standards and technologies like Bootstrap framework, HTML5 & CSS3 also W3C valid.

Koki – Restaurant Food Admin Dashboard React Template

You will get HTML Files CSS And Sass files Proper Documentation Font “Poppins”,sans-serif Template Features Built on Latest React 1 Dashboard Awesome Customized Slider React 17.0.1 Responsive in Any Device React Bootstrap React Carousel Without jQuery Well Commented Code Smooth Transition Effects Integrated with FontAwesome & Flaticon Creative and Modern Design Fast, Lightweight & Powerful

Erso – Logistics & Transportation React JS Template

Erso is a fully-featured responsive Bootstrap based on React Js framework logistics template. It is easy to use this design. You can adapt it for any activity. There are a lot of space for the information and a design is a great decision, if you want to present your activity on the internet in the

Dimon – Gatsby React App Landing Page Template

Dimon is a multi-concept, smooth and colorful software app landing page Gatsby React Template. Template is specially designed for any kind of mobile app, software, sass, startup, marketing, one page and other online businesses. Features Includes 2 Home versions Includes 2 Inner pages Built with Gatsby JS Built With React JS Built with React Bootstrap

Cheerio – Cryptocurrency Exchange Dashboard React App

Cheerio is the complete Cryptocurrency Exchange React App Sign in, Signup, Phone and ID card verification, One-time password verify and add a bank, debit card settings and profile, etc pages included. Icons Font Awesome simple-line-icons Cryptocoins Credits Bootstrap 4 Images images are occur in the preview but are NOT in the download. Changelog 1. v1.0

Softino – Software React Template

Softino – Software React Template is lightweight and customizable premium React template ideal for showcasing Software Solutions. Built with Bootstrap Framework 4, React, HTML5 and CSS3. Softino is Software Html5 Landing Page, responsive based on Bootstrap latest version. Softino is flexible, customizable and organized code. All files and code has been well organized and nicely

Panely – React Multipurpose Admin Dashboard Template

Panely React is a multipurpose admin dashboard template based on React NextJS and Bootstrap. This template has a huge collection of essential and reusable UI components for you to design interfaces and powerful web applications. It is a fully clean and responsive dashboard template design for all types of devices and works on all major