Bootstrap 4 Templates

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Tag: react

MyMedi – eCommerce React Template

Mymedi React template built with React, Next JS, Redux, Redux-Saga, Sass and Bootstrap 4. MyMedi is a ReactJS template designed for shopping online stores. MyMedi includes a lot of pre-designed layouts for home page, product page to give you best selections in customization. MyMedi is built based on the Medical website. But MyMedi is also

Liquet ― React Creative/Portfolio Template

This is Liquet, a premium ReactJS template built using React Hooks and VanillaJS. This template is perfect for the creative ones who want to build or improve their agency website or their resume. The clean and beautiful design was created using SASS and Bootstrap and together with the smooth scrolling animations, it gives the visitors

Sego – Restaurant React Admin Dashboard Template

You will get HTML Files CSS And Sass files Proper Documentation Font “Poppins”,sans-serif Support Send your queries on for any issues or problem you are facing regarding this product. Important Note : Images used in the demo are not provided in download package. Template Features Built on Latest React 1 Dashboard Awesome Customized Slider

EduChamp – Education React Template

About EduChamp EduChamp is a Fully Creative Mobile Responsive React Template. It is designed specifically for University, College, School, Training centre or other educational institute. EduChamp layout looks beautiful at any resolution like laptop screen, iPad, iPhone, Android Mobile or tablets. EduChamp React Template is perfect solution for the create of unique educational responsive websites.

Lucid – React Admin Template

Regular License ( $35 )Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee. Extended License ( $999)Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users can be charged for. The

Qerza – Job Portal React Admin Dashboard Template

Template Features Built on Latest React 1 Dashboard Awesome Customized Slider React 17.0.1 Without jQuery Slick Slider React Bootstrap Well Commented Code Smooth Transition Effects Responsive in Any Device Fast Loading Speed Creative and Modern Design High Resolution Easily Customizable Detailed Documentation Fast performance Integrated with FontAwesome & Flaticon Clean And Professional Coding Fast, Lightweight

Hosco – Dentist & Medical React JS Template

Hosco is a fully-featured responsive Bootstrap based on React JS framework dentist & medical clinic template. It is easy to use this design. You can adapt it to any activity. There is a lot of space for the information and a design is a great decision if you want to present your activity on the

Sapp – React Next App Landing Page

About sApp sApp React Next App Landing Page Template is fully responsive and mobile friendly app showcase React template. sApp is highly suitable React App Landing Page and is the better way to present your app or product. It is very clean, powerful and easy to use. It is also highly customizable SEO friendly, React

Imroz – React Agency & Portfolio Template

Welcome to our React Creative Agency, React Portfolio, and Corporate Multi-Purpose Template. It comes with React and Bootstrap 4+. We created with component-based and developer friendly modern pure JavaScript, not jQuery. Its comes with modern design and a faster loading react template. It has available Creative Agency, Creative Agency Landing, Personal Portfolio, Personal Portfolio Landing,

Appal – React Technology and IT Startup Template

Appal is Bootstrap 4 based powerful Multi-purpose React Js Template. It is 100% responsive and looks stunning on all types of a startup, technology startup. marketing agency, portfolio agency, digital agency, App Marketing, App Store website, Software as a service, Saas Product Promotion etc. This Template mixes modern, classic, Creative and Clean styles with better