Bootstrap 4 Templates

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Tag: portfolio

Coeus – Cryptocurrency Landing Page HTML Template

A High Performance, Cryptocurrency Landing Page Coeus is a complete and versatile landing page that is perfect for creative cryptocurrency showcase and crowdsale. This landing page template has every detail covered. Main Features Clean & One-Page Design Light And Dark Layout Nice Animation On Scroll Scroll To Top Helper Element Bootstrap 4 Framework Unlimited Colors.

Moreno – Responsive Resume / vCard Template

Moreno is a minimal resume template. It is built based on Bootstrap 4 and has various random animations for page transition. This theme gives you a personal space to share what you are all about as a creative designer, photographer, developer, or any profession! It is customizable, comes with 9 color variations, so you can

Arvakr – Creative Multi-Purpose Bootstrap Template

Creative HTML5/CSS3 Multipurpose Website Template Arvakr is a graphically polished, interactive, easily customizable, highly modern, fast loading, search engine optimized, efficiently coded, well documented, vibrant and fully responsive HTML5 and CSS3 multi-purpose website template for corporate, agencies, freelancers, individuals as well as any type of businesses to showcase their company history, services, work portfolio and

Target – One Page Parallax

Target is a one-page business HTML5, super responsive template based on Bootstrap 4 framework. It has 34+ completed versions with smart UI design. It’s clean coded template with 100% W3C validate. It has all features for your brand new websites. It has 15+ section with 30+ hero area variations. It’s suitable for all creative business

Torola – Creative Portfolio HTML Template

Features Sticky / Fixed / Static Navigation (Header, Footer) Light/Dark Navigation Modern Design Multiple Slideshows Keyboard and Mousewheel Navigation For Sliders Horizontal Gallery Justified Gallery Entrance Pages Gallery and Portfolio Homepages Video Homepage With Controls (Youtube, Vimeo, Local Video) Lightbox (Youtube, Vimeo, HTML5 support) Personal Pages Smart Grid For Galleries And Portfolios Multiple Portfolio Pages

Consider – Multi-Purpose Responsive HTML5 Template

Consider – Multi-Purpose Responsive HTML5 Template Consider is a Powerful, Responsive & Raw Multi-Purpose Multi-Page & One-Page HTML5 Template. Build whatever you like with this Template. Be it Business, Corporate, Construction,Media Agency, Portfolio, Agency, Parallax,Blog or App Showcase, just everything is possible with Consider. We have included 18+ ready-to-use Homepages & 100+ HTML Files with

Soft Themez – Software Landing Page Template

Soft Themez is a modern, powerful, lightweight and high performance HTML5 template which has been built with Bootstrap 4 Front-End Framework. It’s fully responsive and looks stunning on any devices. Soft Themez is Well organized and very easy to customize. Download and enjoy it! Template Features: Bootstrap 4 Fully Responsive Valid HTML5 & CSS3 Code

Shopnil – Portfolio Html Template

Shopnil – Portfolio Html Template Shopnil is a Fully Responsive Template built on Bootstrap 4, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery. It’s a modern crafted HTML template which can be used for Portfolio, Cv/Resume Website Templates. This is highly customizable – looks awesome on tablets and mobile devices. We have included a documentation folder to describe the

Blofo – Portfolio & Agency Template

Blofo – is a Minimal and Creative Multi Page HTML5 template which has been built with Bootstrap 4 Framework. It’s fully responsive and looks perfect on any devices. It’s build for Personal, Agencies and other creative fields. All files are well organized and codes are well commented in order to make it easily customizable. Main

Brax | Responsive Personal Portfolio Template

Brax | Responsive Personal Portfolio Template Clean Modern Responsive Single Page Template BRAX is a modern responsive personal portfolio template built with HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap and jQuery. Responsive on mobile, tablet and desktop. Hero area with typed effect (optional). AJAX contact form. Parallax effect. Google Fonts and Font Awesome. Please note that the actual template