Template Features Laravel HTML MIX (Starter Kit) New Laravel 8 Laravel 8 with Laravel integration Left side menu dashboard design PHP Framework Laravel MVC architecture Support Package management with NPM 30+ Plugins Charts (apexChart, chartJs, Flot, Morris, Peity, Sparkline) Responsive Bootstrap 4 Framework Well Commented Code Data Tables Easy to customize Neat, clean and simple
Tag: laravel frontend template
Yoha – Laravel Dashboard Template
Yoha – laravel bootstrap admin template. This laravel admin dashboard template Includes PHP Pages & 60+ Plugins. It has a clean laravel simple admin panel design and comes with several jQuery Plugins, Awesome cool colors, charts, custom Tables and Dashboard which can use be used for multipurpose. This laravel admin panel frontend template Advanced Form-Elements
Admitro – Laravel Admin Template
Admitro – Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Laravel template. This php blade template Includes PHP Pages & 60+ Plugins. It has a clean creative laravel frontend dashboard design and comes with several jQuery Plugins, Awesome cool colors, charts, custom Tables and and IT Dashboard which can use be used for multipurpose. This laravel admin panel frontend template
Clont – Laravel Dashboard Template
Clont – Bootstrap Admin panel HTML MIX Laravel admin dashboard template. This Design patterns in php and laravel . This laravelmix admin panel Includes PHP Pages, 55 + Plugins. It has a Clean laravel dashboard design and comes with several jQuery Plugins, Awesome cool colors, charts, custom Tables and calendars. This laravel ui php template