Bootstrap 4 Templates

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Tag: landing page

Ambassador — Software landing page

Ambassador is a bootstrap based conversion—centred landing page specifically designed for software and SaaS startup and companies. It is made with the idea of fast loading and easy customization, which we use to keep up with the bootstrap built-in components and utilities for smaller file size and loading speed. Features: — Conversion—Centered — Fully Responsive

Scarlett — Responsive App Landing

Scarlett is perfect app landing. With this template you can describe all the advantages of your application, show screenshots and expose the price for the full version. Features: HTML5, CSS3, jQuery Fully Responsive Valid HTML5 Cross browser Minimal and Clean Bootstrap 4 SVG sprites Google Fonts CSS3 Animations Easy to Customize Documentation included Sourse &

Rano – Landing Page HTML Template

Rano – Landing Page HTML Template Rano is designed Suitable for anyone who is looking for app, app landing, app landing page, app landing template, Template is designed and developed perfectly in Bootstrap 4 Grid with clean & unique UI elements which can be easily used for making any iPhone / Android / Mobile apps

Applus – App Landing Page | App Showcase Template

APPLUS is a powerful Responsive SEO friendly App Landing template. It is 100% Responsive and looks stunning on all types of screens and devices. You can use APPLUS as a better way to present and promote your startup mobile apps, saas applications, software, digital products, even books or magazines. Users will love Your site because

Timothy – Software Landing Page HTML

Timothy is clean and powerful Software, Saas landing page HTML template with unique concept, clean & modern Look. Which has been built using the new Twitter Bootstrap v4.0.0 framework. Metro is well organized and very easy to customize. The template has a huge number of options with excellent documentation. Template Features Based on World Most

Appla – App Landing Page Template

Appla – App Landing Page Template – This is App Landing Template. It is designed with Bootstrap 4 and clean & modern Look. It is very useful to marketing and promote you App website and it is also useful for mobile games showcase or any application website. Key Features: 24 Different Versions Clean & Modern

iSaas -Software, App, Saas Landing HTML Template

iSaas – Startups, App Landing & SaaS Website Template is the SaaS, Software, Web Application & Startups Landing Page Template for Startup Idea related Software as a Service business Website. This SaaS Template specially designed for who wants to start their Application or Software Business. Also it can be used for App Landing or App

VAXIN-Health Supplement Medicine Affiliate with Bodybuilding Product HTML Template

VAXIN – Health Weight Loss Diet Supplement Medicine Affiliate with Body Enhancement Product HTML Template Designed for Health and Supplement Product This template for medicine seller or affiliator who affiliate supplement product based for your health care template.Supplement Landing, Medicine Affiliate, Body Enhancement Product, Weight Loss & Diet Product HTML5 Template is a uniquely product

Pixmon – Multi-Purpose Onepage Template

Pixmon is a Creative & Modern Parallax & Multi-Purpose One Page Template is a perfect template for Business Startups, web studio and creative agencies. Responsive based on Bootstrap. This is one page for placing your information. All files and code has been well organized and nicely commented for easy to customize. Main Features Based on

Akala – Material Design Business Template

Akala is Responsive One Page Business Template fresh and clean Design. It makes for corporate/business websites, creative agencies and other businesses. It looks perfect on all major browsers, tablets and phones. Just take the best Template of your choice, change the text, add your images and done! Akala comes with unlimited colors, and is professional