Bootstrap 4 Templates

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Tag: kindergarten

ABC Tots – Responsive HTML5 Template

ABC Tots is a fully responsive multi page HTML template made for any Children related websites. The template includes many fun elements that are very easy to edit. ABC Tots is built on the Bootstrap Framework which has a powerful options that makes the theme completely customizable. It Includes 4 ready made Color Skins, but

Kittuu – Kindergarten & Preschool Bootstrap 4 HTML Template

Kittuu – is a clean & modern kindergarten & Preschool HTML Template. It’s suitable for any kindergarten, childcare, day care center, preschool, children art & nursery or any kind of educational institution. This template includes 03 awesome homepage demos with different courses page layouts and other inner pages layout, which are easy to edit and

Memozin – Education Courses School Template

Memozin – Education Courses School is a powerful HTML 5 Template. Build whatever you like with this template that looks effortlessly on-point in Academic, Education, Agency, School, college, Study, Teacher, Portfolio, Blog, University just everything is possible with Mist. With all, it features you can build something great. It is ultimate flexible with loads of

Jobby – Day Care and Kindergarten HTML5 Template

Jobby is a clean HTML5 Template suitable for Day Care, Kindergarten, School, Online Courses, Education. You can customize it very easy to fit your needs. Features: 6 HomePages Demo 6 Header Layouts HTML5/CSS3 Template PSD Files included One page template Mobile Ready Fully Responsive CSS3 Smooth Animations Parallax Backgrounds Working PHP Contact Forms Google Free

CareVin – Day care & Children School HTML Template

Care Vin Play school Template is made with Bootstrap. Care Vin template perfectly suite for who are looking for play school multi colored template Features Bootstrap Grid System Font Awesome And Themify icons Google fonts Beatiful Colors HTML5 and CSS3 Google Maps Carousel Slider Credits JavaScript Framework jQuery Images pexels, flaticon Fonts Google and Themify

Arans – Kindergarten & School HTML Template

Arans: Kindergarten HTML Template suitable for all types of Kindergarten Schools. That Includes totally 16 Pages. Features latest Bootstrap Framework HTML5 CSS3 TechnologyUnique effects and functionality Smooth transition effects Cross Browser Optimisation Parallax Background Image Full Width & Boxed Layout Awesome Gallery Showcase Pages Creative Blog Pages 5+ Shop Pages 500+ Font Icons Easy to

Babucare – Children Kindergarten And Baby Care HTML Template

Overview Babucare – Children Kindergarten Template. It’s Fully Responsive based on Bootstrap 4. All files and code have been well organized and nicely commented for easy to customize. We have included a documentation folder to describe the code structures. We believe we have covered everything you need to setup a for handling children or related

Little People | Kindergarten HTML Template

KINDERGARTEN HTML Template, is a purpose built theme that will deliver an easy to use kindergarten, child care or nursery html website. Packed with every lib you will ever need and prebuilt pages that are optimised for the childcare and nursery industry, you will have your new website up and running in no time at

Eduworld – Education, Academy & Training Courses

Eduworld – Education, Academy & Training Courses Eduworld – Education, Academy & Training Courses for business, corporate, education, kindergarten, multi-purpose, multipurpose, online, online education, professional, school, shop, teaching, training, university. Everyone can find a suitable page for itself. We have tried to create the big set of components and styles for your unique website. Features

Education – Education Learning Theme For Education Courses School HTML

Dev Educate – LearnPress Education Template Dev Educate – LearnPress Education Template for business, corporate, education, kindergarten, multi-purpose, multipurpose, online, online education, professional, school, shop, teaching, training, university. Everyone can find a suitable page for itself. We have tried to create the big set of components and styles for your unique website. Features Overview Slider