DKHOST – Domain and Hosting HTML Template specially designed for Domain and Hosting site’s purpose. It has almost every sections and feature that a Domain and Hosting site needs. Every element designed after well research and analysis. Designers tried their best to make design simple and user-friendly and easy navigation for all ages users. Codes
Tag: hosting
Klaud – Web Domain & Hosting HTML Template
Klaud is a responsive web domain and hosting HTML template developed on Bootstrap 4.0. It has amazing and unique layout and ensure that the pages work great regardless of devices and browsers. Features Overview Bootstrap 4 Framework: Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the
Ahope – Hosting Template With WHMCS
Features 100+ HTML Pages 16 Home Pages Light and Dark varsion Clean & Modern Design Valid HTML5 & CSS3. Bootstrap (v_4.1.3). Build With SASS Fully responsive. Responsive Megamenu Seo Optimized. Unlimited Colors(Just Change Color Code). Animated Css Use/ Smooth transition effects. Cross Browser Optimization. Free Updates Google font. All files are well commented. Animated Css
PathSoft – IT Solutions for Your Business Services | HTML5 Template
PathSoft – IT Solutions for Your Business Services | HTML5 Template Simple and Lite template to create your own website for your business Features Variety of page Variety of header and footer UI elements page 4 Homepage demos Great template with all necessary widgets Easy to Use and Customizable Crossbrowser Lazy Loading Images WC3 Valide,
Landrick – React Landing Page Template
Landrick is a Powerful Saas & Software React & Bootstrap Template. It is an excellent React Js template for startup, business, application, saas, marketing, agency, Hotel, Modern Business, Personal Portfolio, Services, Enterprise, Minimal Portfolio, Coworking Space, Cloud Hosting, Event, Educational Course, Single Product etc. It is 100% responsive and looks stunning on all types of
Momb – Multipurpose Responsive Template
Momb is a responsive, professional, and multipurpose SaaS, Software, Startup and WebApp Bootstrap 4 landing template. Momb is a powerful flexible tool, which suits best for any kind of landing pages Momb – Multipurpose Responsive Template Momb is a HTML5 template base on SasS and Bootstrap 4 with modern and creative multipurpose design you can
Abet – MultiPurpose Bootstrap HTML5 Template
Abet is a multipurpose Bootstrap 4 HTML5 template that comes with 6 unique homepage variations such as – Business, Digital Agency, SEO Agency, Marketing, Hosting and Much More. It comes with high-quality design and all essential business pages you need to launch a complete website with ease. Abet built with the latest bootstrap 4 and
Bootsland – Creative Bootstrap 4 Landing Page
Bootsland is an incredibly beautiful, fully responsive, and mobile-first projects on the web – it is the perfect starting point for any creative and professional sites. Bootsland Based completely on Bootstrap HTML and CSS. Bootsland is a Creative And Powerful Bootstrap 4 landing Page. Bootsland excellent Landing Page for Agency, Startup, Business, App, Saas, Sass,
Hoscon – Hosting Business HTML Template
Hoscon is a clean and Responsive Hosting Business HTML Template Template Included 15 pages HTML files are well organized and named accordingly so it’s very easy to change any and all of the design. Our Template files are built with Bootstrap 4. Refine layout adapts to your needs and helps present your content in the
evernet – HTML5 Template for Software, Startup & Agency
evernet is a template for startups and companies who make business out of software and saas products. It comes with numerous customisable and reusable components that are designed to fit as many purposes as possible. They are also easy to customize and to combine with other components. evernet features an amazing set of elements that