Bootstrap 4 Templates

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Tag: designer

Cvbuilder – Creative Portfolio HTML5 Template

Description Cvbuilder is an elegant, luxury and trendy HTML5 Creative & Portfolio template. It is a very simple, clean and minimalist template. It perfectly suited for the website of portfolio, CV or personal page of designer, developer, photographer, freelancer etc. The template looks great and it will appeal to fans of minimalist style. Template content

Pitar – Personal Portfolio Html5 Template + RTL

Pitar is a Creative & Modern Parallax One Page Portfolio Template is a perfect template for Business Portfolio, web studio and creative agencies. Responsive based on Bootstrap 4.0.0. This is one page for placing your information. All files and code has been well organized and nicely commented for easy to customize. Main Features: – 6

George-Portfolio HTML Template

George is a Super Clean and Super professional personal portfolio template.If you are a Designer, freelancer, marketer its only for you.Lancer template build on Bootstrap Latest version 4.1.1. You can use it for your personal resume, CV or your portfolio Lancer template is written in valid and clean HTML & CSS3 code. It’s Super easy

Jhone Deo Minimal Portfolio OnePage Template

Jhone Deo is modern, Creative & professional One page portfolio template, designed for a freelancer, creative designer, photographer who wants to display their personal portfolio or resume And helps you to showcase All your, services, works, your information, …. All files and code has been well organized and nicely commented for easy to customize, and

Ryan – Bootstrap 4 One Page Personal Portfolio Template

Ryan – Personal Portfolio Template is a highly creative, modern, visually stunning and Bootstrap 4 responsive portfolio HTML5 template. Ryan Bootstrap 4 Personal Portfolio Template Ryan – Personal Portfolio Template is a Simple, Modern, Creative and Responsive HTML5 OnePage Template. It will help you to presents your self even your Business/resume more smartly and easily.

Amee HTML5 Portfolio Template

Amee – Portfolio Html Template Amee is a Fully Responsive Template built on Bootstrap 4, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery. It’s a modern crafted HTML template which can be used for Portfolio, Cv/Resume Website Templates. This is highly customizable – looks awesome on tablets and mobile devices. We have included a documentation folder to describe the

Go Business – Corporate and Business Template

Go Business – Corporate and Business Template Go Business – Corporate and Business Template and worked for Adviser, Attorney, Bootstrap, business, Consultant, Creative, Corporate, Corporate Accountant, Finance, Financial, Insurance, Invest, Investment, Investor, Market, Money, Pensions, Stock, Trading, Tax, Wealth etc.It is appropriate for clients with zero programming abilities and in addition propelled designers. This template

Kewll – Minimal Portfolio HTML

Kewll is a Parallax One Page Portfolio Template is a perfect template for Portfolio Startups, web studio and creative agencies. Responsive based on Bootstrap. This is one page for placing your information. All files and code has been well organized and nicely commented for easy to customize. Main Features Based on Bootstrap Latest Version HTML5,

Guppy – Bootstrap 4 One Page Personal Portfolio Template

Guppy – Personal Portfolio Template is a highly creative, modern, visually stunning and Bootstrap 4 HTML5 responsive portfolio template. Guppy Bootstrap 4 Personal Portfolio Template Guppy is a Simple, Modern, Creative and Responsive HTML5 OnePage Template. It will help you to presents your self even your Business/resume more smartly and easily. This is built with

P.folio – Bootstrap Portfolio Template

Pfolio – Bootstrap Portfolio Template is a responsive clean and modern HTML5 Bootstrap Portfolio Template for: agency, personal portfolio, architect agency, freelancer, photography studios, sound and music, musician, painter portfolio, artworks, art, artist portfolio, web design works, illustrators, trainer, projects, freelance designer. You can find this template suitable for their needs.. P.folio is powered by