Bootstrap 4 Templates

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admin admin dashboard admin template agency app architecture blog business clean company construction consulting corporate creative cv dashboard designer digital agency ecommerce fashion finance flat freelancer html html5 landing page marketing minimal modern multipurpose one page parallax personal photography portfolio responsive resume saas sass seo shop software startup technology vcard

Tag: designer

Kickz – Portfolio HTML Template

Kickz HTML templates suitable for any types of Portfolio, profile, public or business portfolio. its the great Portfolio HTML Template that enables you to create a professional Portfolio Website. It includes high-quality HTML files are well organized and named accordingly so it’s very easy to change any and all of the design. It’s all that

Mackien- One Page Portfolio HTML5 Template

Overview Mackien is a Creative and One Page Portfolio HTML5 Template. It’s Fully Responsive based on Bootstrap 4. We carefully checked for user friendly. Well-structured code and easy to use documentation help you to customize the template. we have covered everything you need to setup a for Personal Portfolio. agency, architect, blog, business, clean, corporate,

Velx – Responsive Personal Portfolio Template

Velx is a creative personal portfolio html template for every designer, developer, architect or other creative person. It’s fully responsive and looks amazingly across different devices including desktop, mobile, etc. It has clean and well commented code and allows easy customization. Features: Built with Bootstrap v4.1.3 Fully Responsive Clean and Creative Design Fully Customizable Ion

Juthin – One Page Portfolio HTML5 Template

Juthin is a Creative and One Page Portfolio HTML5 Template. It’s Fully Responsive based on Bootstrap 4. We carefully checked for user friendly. Well-structured code and easy to use documentation help you to customize the template. we have covered everything you need to setup a for Personal Portfolio. agency, architect, blog, business, clean, corporate, creative,

Ashton – One Page Portfolio Template

Ashton – One Page Portfolio template is a fully responsive, professional & multipurpose personal portfolio for designers, startups, web studio and creative agencies, musicians, video producers, architects, photographers etc. Ashton Portfolio template is the use for placing your all information in one page. All files and code has been well organized and nicely commented for

Zman – Personal PortfolioTemplate

Zman is a Creative & Modern Parallax One Page Portfolio Template is a perfect template for Business Portfolio, web studio and creative agencies. Responsive based on Bootstrap 4.0.0. This is one page for placing your information. All files and code has been well organized and nicely commented for easy to customize. Main Features: – 5

Sonax – Personal Portfolio HTML Template

Sonax – is an adaptive HTML template based on Ajax and Bootstrap-4 technology. This template is fully adaptive, and is suitable for mobile devices, was coded with valid HTML and CSS practices. This template is a suitable for designers, photographers, freelancers etc. Features: Fully Responsive Google Fonts Magnific Popup Ionicons Icons Bootstrap 4 Framework Font

Selfer – Personal Portfolio Template

Selfer – Personal Portfolio One Page Template Creative, Mobile First Personal Portfolio Landing Page for every designer, developer, coder, freelancer, architect or any creative person. Dark background will make your website different to other portfolio templates. Gentle and smooth interaction animations makes user experience more natural and comfortable. Awesome Hero Section Features Mobile First Approach

Buka – One Page Portfolio

Buka is a responsive Beautifully crafted Parallax One Page Template for Business Startups, web studio and creative agencies. Responsive based on Bootstrap. This is one page for placing your information. All files and code has been well organized and nicely commented for easy to customize. Main Features +9 Creative Demos Modern and Clean Design Based

MasCreative – Creative Agency HTML Template

MasCreative is a Creative HTML5 one page template best suitable for creative agencies, studios, startups, digital design agencies or other similar business. MasCreative will help you to make any website like creative startups, portfolio agency very easily as it has been coded in latest Bootstrap and CSS3. MasCreative is responsive to all of the devices