Bootstrap 4 Templates

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Tag: dashboard template

Steel UI Neumorphic Admin Template

Steel UI Bootstrap Admin Template If you are looking for a super flexible, powerful, clean, modern & responsive admin template based on Bootstrap framework, then you will instantly fall in love with Steel UI Bootstrap admin template. The fascinating collection of useful components and excellent elements that are included with this template will help you

Rocker – Angular 10+ Admin Template

Rocker admin is based on Angular 10+, bootstrap 4 framework. it has 8 nicely designed colorful dashboards. It is powerful and developer friendly admin template. It includes color, light and dark dashboards. It has a huge collection of UI components with latest jQuery & bootstrap plugins. It is fully responsive and works with all major

IndoUI – Laravel Admin Template

IndoUI – Bootstrap Admin panel HTML MIX Laravel admin template. This laravel admin panel Includes PHP Pages & 45+ Plugins. It has a Clean creative dashboard design and comes with several jQuery Plugins, Awesome cool colors, charts, custom Tables and calendars. This php template are 5 pre built different Dashboards like Analytics Dashboard, E-Commerce Dashboard,

Tinydash – Bootstrap HTML Admin Dashboard Template

Tiny Dash is a clean responsive admin template built with Bootstrap 4. Packed with most of necessary features, Tiny Dash fits your requirements to build admin panels, e-commerce systems, saas administration systems, a management system. The template has a simple and elegant design. It is well crafted, with all the components neatly and carefully designed

Dashtic – HTML Admin Template

Dashtic – Bootstrap 4 Admin multipurpose use SCSS & CSS html5 Template. This admin template Includes 140+ HTML Pages & 70+ jquery css Plugins. Multipurpose Use 5 pre built bootstrap dashboard designed like Sales Dashboard, Analytics Dashboard, Project Management, Hr Dashboard and Crypto Dashboard with scss & css. We have Designed Left menu & Horizontal

Valex – Laravel Admin Template

Valex – PHP laravel Framework HTML MIX bootstrap admin template. This laravel framework Includes PHP Pages & 70+ Plugins. It has a Clean creative laravel blade template, Awesome cool colors, charts, custom Tables and calendars. There are Premium Dashboard Laravel UI which can use be used for multipurpose php script blade template. This laravel admin

Azira – PHP Laravel Admin Template

Azira – Laravel Framework HTML MIX bootstrap admin template. This Laravel php framework Includes PHP Pages & 70+ Plugins. It has a Clean creative laravel admin UI with several jQuery Plugins, Awesome cool color, charts, custom Tables and calendars. There are Premium Dashboard Laravel UI which can use be used for multipurpose. This laravel blade

Yoha – Responsive HTML Bootstrap Admin Template

Yoha – Bootstrap 4 Admin multipurpose use SCSS & CSS Template. This admin template Includes 100+ HTML Pages & 40+ jquery css Plugins. Multipurpose Use 5 pre built bootstrap dashboard designed like Sales Dashboard, Marketing Dashboard, App Dashboard, LMS Dashboard and Analytics Dashboard with scss & css. We have Designed Left menu & Horizontal menu

Amfan – Responsive Bootstrap Admin & Dashboard Template.

Amfan Responsive Admin & Dashboard Template is a responsive Bootstrap 4 administrator dashboard built for everyone who want to webapps on top of the most popular framework, Bootstrap. Amfan helps you to create your next Bootstrap even faster then before. It can be used to create a Saas based interfase, administrator dashboard or anything you

Materiel – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Dashboard Template

Materialx Admin is a Premium Admin Dashboard template with a modern design concept. Campaign Stats for Quality monitoring. Yearly graph, sales and reviews feature. A fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4.x Framework, modern web technology HTML5 and CSS3. Lightweight and easy customizable which is basically designed for the developers who want to