Bootstrap 4 Templates

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Tag: course

Heroism – Gym and Fitness HTML5 Responsive Template

Heroism is a clean and Responsive GYM & Fitness Club Business HTML5 Template. This template has 12 pages. All files are well organized and named accordingly so it’s very easy to change any design. Our Template files are built with Bootstrap 4.3.1. Refine layout adapts to your needs and helps present your content in the

Educus – HTML5 Template for Education and LMS With RTL Support

Educus – HTML5 Template for Education and LMS With RTL Support Educus HTML5 Template With RTL Support. Which helps you to build your own site. It is suitable for any course hub or any kind of educational institution. This template includes 02 different homepage demo with 20+ html pages carefully designed blocks, which are easy

Studiare – Education HTML5 Template for Univeristy & Online Courses

Education HTML5 Template for Univeristy & Online Courses Studiare is all in one solution for education website or any other business related to learning systems, like teaching, trainings, university, online course site, schools, acadamey etc… It was built based in the latest trends in design style and typography choices. Our Template include all features that

Flio – Flying Academy HTML Template

Flio is a clean and Responsive Flying Academy Html Template Included 24 pages HTML files are well organized and named accordingly so it’s very easy to change any and all of the design. Our Template files are built with Bootstrap 4. Refine layout adapts to your needs and helps present your content in the most

Skans – Education & Course HTML5 Template

Skans is a library for Learning Management System (LMS) with predefined web elements which helps you to build your own site. Skans Template has a fully responsive layout. It fits perfectly on various displays and resolutions from regular desktop screens to tablets, iPads, iPhones and small mobile devices. Skans is developed as a Learning Management

Goeveni – Event Sharing Social Network Html Template

Goeveni is a HTML5 & CSS3 responsive Bootstrap 4 template created for Plateform but also can be used for generalised website. Goeveni is evaluated as my most unique event sharing social networking HTML template for online event sharing with clean and modern design. Goeveni will be a subtle and smart choice for user. Our reputation

Kedu – Education and Academia HTML5 Template

Kedu is a Modern and Elegant Html Template Specially Designed for Education, Business, Finance, Insurance and other type of related businesses. Kedu Template comes with fully responsive html files and Clean Layout Design with Premium attention to details. Kedu Html Templates are easy to customizable and Easy to use to suit you and your customer

Educacion – Academy Course HTML Template

Educacion is a library for Education and Course with predefined web elements which helps you to build your own site. Educacion Template has a fully responsive layout. It fits perfectly on various displays and resolutions from regular desktop screens to tablets, iPads, iPhones and small mobile devices. Educacion is suitable for academy, course, education, education

Edukul – Online Learning & LMS HTML Template

Edukul – Online Education Learning & LMS HTML Template: Edukul is a modern, creative and gorgeous proficient single page Education HTML template. Edukul suitable for anyone who wants to have a personalized resume or Education. Edukul comes with a very easy customization, you can add easily your own color. all code are well commented and

Tutohub – LMS Education HTML Template

TUTOHUB is an Education & LMS Template designed specifically for Online courses, University, College, School, LMS course, Training center or any kind of educational institution. It is built with Bootstrap, using HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery. It provides responsive clean. It’s super easy to customize and also well Documentation so it’ll suit your needs. TUTOHUB LMS