Bootstrap 4 Templates

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Tag: art

Rayhan – Modern & Creative Portfolio Html Template

Rayhan is a Creative, modern, unique & professional portfolio template, designed for the creative Web Designers, Graphic Designers, Photographers, Freelancers, UI/UX designers, Web developers, Media Agency, Startups and Small businesses. We have included the best practice of web development – you can create a great website layout based on Twitter Bootstrap or Grid 1170px. Main

Donal – Minimal Portfolio Bootstrap 4 Template

Donal – Minimal Portfolio Bootstrap 4 Template is an awesome minimalist portfolio template for personal blog, personal portfolio, branding, design, marketing etc. It has 4 Unique Home Versions, Total 48+ HTML Pages, 30+ Portfolio Pages, and 4+ Portfolio Details Pages. This HTML5 & CSS3 portfolio is powered by Bootstrap 4. Additionally this responsive portfolio has

Alisha | Creative Personal Portfolio Template

Alisha | Creative Personal Portfolio Template:- Creative, Mobile Friendly Personal Portfolio Template Page for every freelancer, designer, developer, coder , builder or any creative person. They can display their personal portfolio, resume and showcase All services, works, and information. Four Version are available with Clean Coding. Unique Sections 2 Home Page Style Clean nad modern

Mavis – Tattoo & Body Art Studio HTML Template

Mavis – Tattoo & Body Art Studio HTML Template. It uses the power of HTML to allows you to create a neat website very easily. It includes all the features you need to showcase your work. It is suitable for Personal Portfolio, Creative Agency, Designer Portfolio, Illustrator Portfolio, Photographer Portfolio and more.Theme has a universal

Albert | Portfolio Bootstrap Html Template

Albert || Responsive Portfolio Template is a fully responsive high-end template with a modern design suitable for all creative fields. It is made with Google fonts, Bootstrap, HTML5, and CSS3. Safah is perfect for portfolio criteria. You can use Albert for any personal area like Personal resume, cv, Web design, photography, business, doctor, teacher and

Karigor – Minimal Bootstrap 4 Portfolio Template

Karigor – Minimal Bootstrap 4 Portfolio Template is a clean, modern, and beautiful HTML5 template. This creative and pixel perfect design is wonderfully lightweight and mobile-friendly. In addition, Karigor is a fast, flexible, and fully customizable because we have added user-friendly code. The most responsive design is perfect for a blog, professional portfolio website, and

Sedona | Architecture & Construction HTML Template

Sedona is a architecture, interior design and construction HTML template. Sedona comes with a premium 100+ icons collection. 4 Homepage demos, 4 Navigation types, Revolution Slider, Multiple Blog and Portfolio Layouts, Reusable components and much more. Sedona built with BEM, Sass and clean modern code. Loads faster, works great on mobile devices. Build you perfect

Amio – Minimal Multi-Purpose Portfolio Template

Amio is a clean and minimal multi-purpose portfolio template suitable for any types of organizations. The Template is developed in a minimalistic style so it looks precise and super neat. It’s versatile, so it can be used in many purposes like – portfolios, agencies, freelancers, creative group, artists, professionals and much more. Amio Comes with

Ideabox – Crowdfunding & Fundraising HTML Template

Ideabox aims to make it as simple as possible to create a new campaign on your crowdfunding website. Its takes just four steps to launch a new campaign, so whether it’s you the site owner, or a visitor, creating a new campaign, there won’t be anything getting in the way. Do you need help with