SeoBin is a creative and professional template specially designed for SEO, SEM, Business, Corporate, B2B websites. You can use this beautiful template for your every Marketing-related needs.
It also comes with twitter bootstrap 4, Video Popup, Beautiful Tab, Gallery and more. SeoBin is a solid All-in-One Marketing HTML Template for better experience.
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Template Features
- 4 Home Variations
- 2 Different Header Layout
- Multipage Design
- HTML5 Validated
- Based on Twitter Bootstrap 3
- Responsive Template
- FontAwesomeicons
- Contact Form
- Google Web Fonts
- Event Counter
- Documentation
- Easy to customize and user friendly
- Twitter Bootstrap
- jQuery
- FontAwesome Icons
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Gmap3 and Colorbox
- Images used from, pixabay, pexels
Images are only for demo purpuse and not included with the template bundle