Bootstrap 4 Templates

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Redron – Startup & Agency HTML template

Redron – Is a responsive premium HTML template. Developed with the latest HTML5 and CSS3 technology, based on the Bootstrap Framework. Redron offers many various possibilities which will help you easily create a beautiful, stunning and unique website. Redron is the perfect template choice when starting your next agency, software and startup website. It has

Pro – Personal Portfolio Template

Pro – Personal Portfolio Template Pro is a Onepage Portfolio Template built on Bootstrap4, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery. It’s a modern crafted HTML template which can be used for Business website. This is highly customizable – looks awesome on tablets and mobile devices. We have included a documentation folder to describe the code structures. We

Hanta – Beekeeping and Honey Shop HTML Template

Hanta is a HTML template for the website of honey production and organic food store websites. We worked on Metlife to make it user-friendly, modern looking and coded it to the latest standards to make it load fast and rank high. This template is responsive powered by Bootstrap and it tested on all major devices.

Azino – Gatsby React Nonprofit Charity Template

Azino is a modern colorful Non-Profit Charity and Fundraising Gatsby React Template. Which fits for all kind of charity, fundraising, nonprofit, NGO, donations, church, Mosque and all other non-profit charity website, businesses and NGO. Features Includes 2 Home versions Includes 11 Inner pages Built with Gatsby JS Built With React JS Built with React Bootstrap

Aundri – Dry Cleaning Services HTML Template

Aundri Template is the best choice for every type of Dry services business website. If you’re looking for high-quality designed theme with more extra features for your Aundri services business, so Aundri Template is the best option for you to release your website within very quick time. Features Overview Responsive Layout Design: What ever you

Recvite – Staffing Agency HTML Template

Recvite is the new outstanding, extremely modern HTML Template, designed for HR & recruitment company and recruiting manager. Also it fits Consultioial Advisor, Accountant, Consulting Firms, insurance, loan, tax help, Investment firm, job courses company, leadership training bureau, headhunting firm and job seekers websites.. Features Overview Responsive Layout Design: What ever you are using the

Procleankers | Laundry Services Angular Template

Description Pro Cleankers | Laundry and Dryclean Service Angular Template jam packed with 35+ pages and 4 + Home page variations. Pro Cleankers comes with all the necessary building blocks for your site so that you don’t have to worry about designing a beautiful site. It will barely take some time to build and present

ProX : Modern Admin Toolkit in HTML, Sass, HBS

ProX is truly a new breed of admin template. a modern and versatile dashboard with multiple ready to use layouts and utility pages. ProX’s harmonious design and super clean looks will make your backend app look beautiful and elegant. This template works seamlessly on all major web browsers, tablets, and phones. Every page is fully

Facty – Industry & Factory HTML Template

Facty is a business foscused HTML template for Factory & Industry website. It is created for company such as factory, industry, construction, industrial, engineering, corporate, manufacturing, processing factory, food industry, plastic factory, textile factory, real factory, energy, renewable industry, chemical factory, etc. corporate website. Also, this template has a working contact form, well commented, and

Prox | HTML5 Admin Template

ProX is a modern and versatile dashboard with multiple ready to use layouts and utility pages. ProX’s harmonious design and super clean looks will make your backend app look beautiful and elegant. This template works seamlessly on all major web browsers, tablets, and phones. Every page is fully responsive and retina ready, making your creation