Bootstrap 4 Templates

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Mintone Bootstrap 4 Admin Template + UI Kit

About Mintone Pro? Mintone Pro is the most flexible & performance centric Bootstrap 4 Admin Template around the other admin dashboard templates. It comes with high end pages and components with highly responsive design. Performance Centric Code Code Performance is our key point while developing Mintone Pro Admin Template and we’ve really nailed it with

Arrowlite – Bootstrap 4x Admin Template and uikit

Regular License ($17)Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee. Extended License ($701)Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users can be charged for. The total price includes

Deepor – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin & Powerful UI Kit

Deepor is a Bootstrap 4.3.1 Sass based solid core framework that works well for all screen sizes and modern browsers. HTML5 validated code – kept simple and orderly that any developer can pick up easily. Deepor has a ton of pre-built material that includes 3 dashboards, Authentication Pages, app examples, profile, invoice template, 60+ HTML

Velbox – Startup & Sass Template

Velbox startup and sass html Template is perfect for your startup agency. Velbox – IT Solutions and Corporate template is designed with modern design trends. It allows you to create a new color template simply for yourself except for the prepared colors. Modifying the template is quite simple. We continue to add new things to

Introcor – Responsive HTML Template

Introcor – Responsive HTML Template Introcor – Responsive HTML Template built on Bootstrap4, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery. It’s a modern crafted HTML template which can be used for Corporate website. This is highly customizable – looks awesome on tablets and mobile devices. We have included a documentation folder to describe the code structures. We have

Epice Laravel – Admin Template for HR & Project Management

FAQs 1. What is Regular License ( $17 )Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee. 2. What is Extended License ( $650 )Use, by you or one client, in a single end product

Tejarat – React Multipurpose Business & Corporate Template

Tejarat is multipurpose business, agency react template built with React, Bootstrap 4 and gulp etc. Clean professional design and a huge number of shortcode elements are the main features of Tejarat. We’ve developed it using latest trend-tools and best practices to leverage the development time and complexity also to ease customization process. We’ve used configurable

Jirono – IT Solutions and Corporate Template

Jirono – IT Solutions and Corporate template is designed with modern design trends. Comes with 3 pre-made colors. It allows you to create a new color template simply for yourself except for the prepared colors. Modifying the template is quite simple. We continue to add new things to make our template more beautiful and strong

Next Angular 8 Admin Template

Next Angular Admin Template in detail Next Angular Admin Template made using Angular 7 & Bootstrap 4 framework for any easy or complex dashboard requirement. Design & developed by CodedThemes’s experience players. We’ve made Next admin dashboard as completely flexible to use in your project. Features Here are top features comes with Next Angular Admin

Glitz – React Landing Page Template

Glitz Landing Page template built with React, Bootstrap 4. The code structure is 100% compatible for any kind of Plugin. We’ve developed it using latest trend-tools and best practices to leverage the development time and complexity also to ease customization process. We’ve used configurable SCSS for more control over templates style and layout. We structured