Dashoon is a fully responsive, built with Bootstrap 4 Framework, HTML5, CSS3, SCSS and jQuery plugins. It can be used to build any web applications including custom admin panel, project management system, crm, cms, etc. The variety of layout options and great collection of reusable widgets, components, elements etc. allows you to build a unique
Eudica – Online Education Courses HTML Template
Eudica – This Template Designed for All types Online Education , elearning classes, and also useful for multipurpose online educational training courses marketplace directory business. This Eudica courses HTML template with awesome responsive webdesign. It is suitable for all kinds of online education websites listing business. It is especially designed for list of categories specific
Gymio – GYM HTML Template
Gymio is a clean and Responsive GYM & Fitness Club Business HTML Template Included 13 pages HTML files are well organized and named accordingly so it’s very easy to change any and all of the design. Our Template files are built with Bootstrap 4. Refine layout adapts to your needs and helps present your content
Quadron | Drone Aerial Photography & Videography + Pilot Training HTML Template Pack
Flexible, Dynamic, Trustworthy! Quadron is template for drone aerial photography & videography + pilot training. You can provide and sale your products through creative template and e-commerce design. Quadron provides multipages Drone Aerial Photography & Videography. Minimalist creative design, highly customizable code and full layered PSD included. Futures: 22 Valid HTML Files 21 Customizable PSD
Sakhi | Charity and Donations HTML5 Bootstrap Template
Sakhi Charity Social HTML5 Bootstrap 4.x Template for Charity and Crowdfunding with predefined web elements which helps you to build your own site. Sakhi Charity Social Template has a fully responsive layout. It fits perfectly on various displays and resolutions from regular desktop screens to tablets, iPads, iPhones and small mobile devices. Sakhi Charity Social
Azor – App Landing HTML Template
AZOR is a great App Landing HTML Template that enables you to create a professional App landing website. The template can be completely customized. Each layout is well documented and will helps you to implement the template without asking for any external help. Features: 5 Home Page Style Clean & Unique Design Based on Bootstrap
Upvex – Responsive Admin & Dashboard Template
Upvex is a modern, clean and responsive admin & dashboard template built using bootstrap v4. Upvex provides a large collection of ready to use ui elements, widgets, etc and works seamlessly with all major web browsers and devices including tablets and phones. The Sass files are also bundled into it and allows you to have
Klinsa – Cleaning Services Company HTML Templates
Klinsa is a modern professional HTML template for Cleaning and Pest Control Service Provider Solo or Company website. This is built on Bootstrap 4 and Sass. The template is W3 valid and contains Retina Ready user-centric design layout. Kilnsa is a premium and fully compatible with all kinds of mobile, tab, notebook and desktop devices.
Dobi – Bootstrap Admin Dashboard HTML Template
Dobi – Bootstrap Admin Dashboard HTML Template. This admin template Includes 200+ HTML Pages & 40+ Plugins. It has a Clean creative dashboard design layout and comes with several jQuery Plugins, Awesome cool Color, Charts, Custom Table and Calendars. There are 5 different Dashboards like CRM Dashboard, Sales Dashboard, Gaming Dashboard, Crypto Dashboard and IT
Athena – Job Board Marketplace HTML Template with Dashboard
Athena isJob Board Site Template Job Portal Template. It is great professional Job Portal Website Template comes with 39+ pages, clean & modern design, cutting-edge features, fully responsive layout, 6 Homepage variations, tons of short-codes, blocks /elements and much more … Athena is specially crafted for Job Portal, Job Listing, Job Directory, Employment, Job Marketplace