Shortly with 10 different banner variations is a Versatile, Simple & Clean Coming Soon Template for any kinds of website niche. Suitable for any Business, Agency, Hotel, Restaurant, Personal and Corporate site. Full functional Mailchimp Subscription Form & Ajax Working Contact Form included with Shortly. Very Helpful and easy to understand Documentation added to help
Minimo Pro – Responsive Bootstrap 4 & 3 Admin Dashboard Template, UI and WebApp Template
Bootstrap 3.x and 4.x Options available Dashboard UI Kit User Cards Tab Badges Buttons Floating Action Buttons Carousel Dock Modal Dropdown Dropdown menu Sortable Nav Breadcrumbs Pagination Alert Callout Tooltip Accordion Tab Process Progress bar Spinner Timeline Timeline activity Layout Bootstrap grid Sidebar Mini Sidebar Horizontal Menu Mega Menu Extra pages Invoice Profile Login Register
Lion – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template, UI and WebApp Template
Lion Admin Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template, UI and WebApp Template a fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4.0 Beta Framework, modern web technology HTML5 and CSS3. Lightweight and easy customizable which is basically designed for the developers who want to customize it. Lion Admin can be used by developer developing web
DiFood – Restaurant And Cafe HTML Template
DiFood is a stylish and fully responsive template for the restaurant’s website, it is designed to attract a client to your restaurant. This template is suitable for all types of restaurants and cafes. It integrates specific functions for a restaurant such as a menu of dishes, reservations, a callback order, a map and location, a
Icou – Responsive Business HTML Template
Icou – Responsive Business HTML Template is a powerful and clean Html5 Template with awesome features designed to help give your business a boost. Icou is ideal for business companies, personal portfolios, startups, presentation of activities or for selling goods online in a clean and minimalistic fashion. Icou consists of well-organised Sass, CSS components and
Gravity – ECommerce, Agency & Presentation HTML Template
Gravity – Creative Agency & Presentation Theme Now you are able to create a quick & easy HTML5 portfolio that showcase your work with an enjoyable design having a distinctive and creative touch. Powerful WP Theme designed in a clean and minimalistic style. This theme is very flexible, easy for customizing and well documented, approaches
HomeFind – Real Estate Responsive HTML5 Template
HomeFind is a modern and unique Real Estate responsive HTML5 template. Designed for real estate business which suits any kind of Corporate Company website. HomeFind can be used to sell or rent houses, apartments and villas online. It provides multiple property statuses like rent and sale. It provide grid and list layouts for property listings.
Prometium – Multi-Purpose HTML5 Template
Overview Prometium – Multi-Purpose HTML5 Template including 15 different pages to build your own website. Now building you professional website is very easy. This template does the work for you, with 15 different pages which can be custom integrated to your needs. The design is flat, responsive and SEO friendly. It has professional blog pages
Spagere – Online Booking HTML Website Template
File structure is fully organized to make the editing process more easy for end-users. Template is designed based on 1200 grid system. It is also ready for retina screens. Create your own unique hotel booking website today! Features HTML5 & CSS3 Boostrap 3 Responsive layout Well-structured code Crossbrowser compatible Owl slider 1200px grid-based Google web
Soundlab – Music Band & Musician Template
Soundlab is a template for music bands, professional deejays, singers and for any artist related with the music industry that want to show his talent and sounds to the world Full list of Features Different Home Pages -Artist Demo -Record Label Demo -New Album Demo -New Album Coming Soon Page -Blog Page and more… One