Bootstrap 4 Templates

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admin admin dashboard admin template agency app architecture blog business clean company construction consulting corporate creative cv dashboard designer digital agency ecommerce fashion finance flat freelancer html html5 landing page marketing minimal modern multipurpose one page parallax personal photography portfolio responsive resume saas sass seo shop software startup technology vcard

StrikingDash – HTML Admin & Dashboard Template

StrikingDash is multipurpose HTML Admin & Dashboard Template built with Bootstrap 4. Clean professional design and a huge number of shortcode elements are the main features of StrikingDash. We’ve developed it using latest trend-tools and best practices to leverage the development time and complexity also to ease customization process. We’ve used configurable SCSS for more

Ultrauniq | Multi-Purpose HTML5 Template

Ultrauniq is a clean and modern Multi-purpose HTML5 template, very easy to customise according to your needs. It built for any type of business landing page such as creative agency, freelancer or to promote web apps, mobile apps, medical, hospital, university, saloons etc.. The template is perfectly adapted to various screen sizes. It allows you

Transida – Logistics & Transportation HTML Template

Transida – HTML Template for Freight, Transport, Logistics & Home Movers. It is created for  logistics, trucking, transportation companies, create online transport logistics, truck, shipment, fleet, flat mover, moving company, shipping, warehouse, delivery, freight services, corporate, showcase, responsive creative portfolio, package, storage, multipurpose business and small freight business. The template comes with a creative 05

Frintem – Printing Company HTML5 Template

Frintem – Printing Company HTML5 Template . Frintem is a clean, creative, unique template for Postcards, Business cards, Posters, Banners, Giftcards, Flyers, Billboard and all other printing services, company websites. We have also included a documentation folder to guide you through the code. I hope that I have covered everything but if there is something

Dashmin | Responsive Admin Dashboard Template

Dashmin is a fully-featured powerful modern admin dashboard template based on Bootstrap and Sass for all kinds of backend projects. It comes with a bunch of working JavaScript apps to build your next back-end application with ease. Dashmin Admin also comes with a multitude of reusable components such as buttons, maps, charts, widgets, forms, tables,

Dashy| Responsive Admin Dashboard Template

Dashy is a fully responsive admin dashboard template that is built on top of awesome Bootstrap 4.5.2, modern web technology HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery. In this template has 3 different dashboards Sales Monitoring, Website Analytics and Cryptocurrency. It is a clean, modern, simple, and professional design perfect for your dashboard, analytics, and application projects. Awesome

RoofPress – Roofing Services HTML5 Template

RoofPress – Services HTML5 Template . RoofPress is a clean, creative, unique template for metal roofing, industrial roofing, construction, exterior, maintenance, painting, remodelling, renovation, repair service, roof repair, roofers, roofing, roofing company, roofing service, siding websites Mental care, Stress control, Couple counseling, De-addiction, Mental Health Consulting, family doctor, family counseling, family therapy, depression treatment. Furthermore,

Zonan – Responsive eCommerce HTML5 Template

Zonan – Responsive eCommerce HTML5 Template is the modern and responsive design which appeals to a wide audience. This HTML5 template focuses on enabling you to publish your product in a delicate style. It is perfect for different category store websites like computer-lapto, toys & hobbies, sports & outdoors, smartphone & tablets, health & beauty,

Pruners – Garden Landscaper HTML Template

Purners – HTML Template for Florist, Landscape Architects, Gardeners, Landscapers, Grounds Keepers, etc.. Purners is the new outstanding, extremely modern HTML Template, designed for  Lawn Services Business, Landscaping Companies, Groundskeepers, Landscape Architects, Gardening Business, Florists, firewood, flowers, ecology, landscape, lawn, lumberjack, Big or Small Gardener Business, Agriculture and companies that offer related services.. The template

Shorfa – Multipurpose Ecommerce Mobile Template

Shorfa – Multipurpose Ecommerce Mobile Template . It is very nicely designed with modern features & coded with the latest technology. Here are some core features of this template. Lots of features & layouts are in the demo. Explore now! . Main Features Fully Responsive, Compatible with all screen sizes. Major Browsers compatibility Clean and