Sada Blog is minimalist trendy and modern HTML template for Blog and shop. It is formulated considering all requirements and needs to design a scenic website.
Sada is a fully Bootstrap 4 Based Template. All the bootstrap Elements are predefined.
Template Features
- Clean and Clear Design
- Build multi-page sites and one-page sites
- Working PHP Contact form
- Boxed or wide layouts via a single body class
- Multi-column “mega-menu” and double-level drop-down menus.
- Menu navigation on hover or on click
- 250+ unique elements with different styles.
- 180+ Fully responsive HTML template files
- Multiple Headers included
- Owl Carousel slider
- Sticky header
- Build with Bootstrap
- Bootstrap responsive and retina ready
- Instagram feed integration
- Twitter feed integration
- Testimonial grid and carousel
- Mansory, Full blog layouts with sidebars
- Lightbox Galleries
- Team members and clients grid and carousel
- Unique and Modern Style
- HTML5, YouTube, and Vimeo videos
- Smooth scroll with one page home page ready demo
- Easily customizable files
- Countdown Timer
- Portfolio category filters
- W3C Validate
- Fully Responsive
- Multipage Variations
- AJAX Contact Form Ready
- Major Browser Compatible
- FontAwesome Icon Fonts
- Well Documented
- Free Google web fonts
- Multi-Column Layout
- Font awesome 5
- Easy customize-able as well as reusable code
- Developer friendly, well commented and structured code
- Free updates
- Support 24/7
- And much more…
Sources and Credits
- Bootstrap framework
- Fonts: ‘Poppins’ From Google Fonts
- Images and graphics content:
- JS: Isotope, owl carousel, Countdown, countTo.js, Easing, Magnific Popup, instafeed.min.js,twitter-Fetcher_min.js, imagesloaded.pkgd.min.js
- Images are not included in Main Download File.
- This is purely an HTML/CSS template and not a WordPress or any other CMS theme.