Roxy React is a creative ReactJS and Bootstrap 4 based template with unique design layouts and styles. This template is a great fit to showcase your Product Landing page, Portfolio, Agency, Photography, Travel Agency, Corporate, Business, Fitness Center, Restaurant, Medical, Construction, Education site or a creative business or personal Blog site. This offers Retina Ready layout designs, user-friendly options, and multipurpose orientation simply made the template all in one digital presentation for any business focussed website.
The unique design of the template will help Designers, Architects, Photographers, Freelancers, Bloggers who want to have a beautiful creative online presence. The UX/UI looks stunning on all device types. Also, the template source code is well commented and easily customizable with detailed documentation. These features will help to make the uses and customization based on business needs. Roxy React is well organized, visually stunning and constantly evolving through continuous template updates.
Main Features:
- Built on ReactJS and Bootstrap 4.x
- Fully Responsive Design Layouts
- Separate components
- 3 Home Page Variations
- 2 Blog Page
- Easy to customize and Expand
- Cross-browser Compatible with Edge, IE10+, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Clean & Simple Design
- W3 Valid
- Retina ready
- Animate CSS
- IcoFont Free Icons
- Free Google Font
- Smooth animation
- Smooth Scrolling
- Developer Friendly
- Clean Code
- AJAX contact form Submission
- AJAX subscriptions form Submission
- Free Update
- Well documented
24-Hour Turnaround Support:
- Quick, Dedicated & Professional Support
- Please send us email to with your details query. Thanks!
What do you get?
- Template source code
- Documentation
Important Note:
- Images and video are only for demo purpose and not included in the download bundle.
Sources and Credits:
- ReactJS
- Animate CSS
- Axios
- Bootstrap
- Popper JS
- Prop Type
- React Image Lightbox
- MDB React
- React Animate On Scroll
- React Bootstrap
- ReactDOM
- React wrapper for the icofont
- React Modal Video
- React Owl Carousel
- React Page Loading
- React Router Bootstrap
- React Router Dom
- React Scripts
- React Scroll
- React Transition Group
- React Visibility Sensor