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RootUI is a clean and powerful solution for your Dashboards, Administration areas. There are available React + Redux and HTML versions. It is easy for developers to create unified pages thanks to a huge number of ready to use elements and components.
It is created to be clean. Really, clean, but still functional. We started from scratch and designed every single element with love. All unnecessary parts were removed during the development process, to leave only the necessary visual parts. We wanted this because the best Interface is no Interface. We hope you will love how it is designed.
Build tools
Webpack and Gulp are our friends in developing something huge like this template. And our build environment included in the purchased package for you.
Key Features
- Mailbox
- Messenger (+ floating Chat in navigation)
- Calendar
- Project Management
- Tasks
- Releases
- Projects with Kanban boards
- File Manager
- Profile with Activity
- Night Mode
- Spotlight Mode
- Sidebar with Icons only
- Dark Sidebar and Navbar
- Table of Contents (floating box on the right side)
Other Features
- React with Redux version
- HTML version with AJAX loading
- 100% responsive layouts and elements
- Built with Bootstrap 4
- Developers friendly build tools:
- Webpack
- Gulp
- Nunjucks
- Included generated HTML version (ready to use without developer tools)
- 60 HTML pages
- SVG Icons
- Feather
- FontAwesome 5
- Customized Google Maps
- Advanced Form Layouts
- Google Fonts
- and much more…
Supported Plugins
- Redux
- Reactstrap
- React Router
- React Slider
- React Tree
- React Color
- React Datepicker
- React Dropzone
- React ScrollSpy
- React Select
- React Text Mask
- React Transition Group
- React Time Ago
- React Syntax Highlighter
- Chart.js
- Chartist
- Peity
- eCharts
- Flot
- EasyMDE
- Quill
- Feather
- FontAwesome
Structure Data
- FullCalendar
- DataTables
- jsTree
- Validator
- DateTimePicker
- DateRangePicker
- Bootstrap TouchSpin
- Ion.RangeSlider
- InputMask
- Pickr
- Selectize
- Dropzone
- Swiper
- Fancybox
- Sticky Kit
- Sweet Alert 2
- jQuery Vector Map
- SortableJS
- EmojiOne
- EmojiOneArea
- HighlightJS
Please note: the images that can be seen in the preview will not be included in the download package. These are for preview purposes only.
Full credits list you can see on this page https://nkdev.info/docs/rootui/credits/