Lorvens Admin Dashboard Template is made with Bootstrap. you can use this admin template for many ways like hospital admin, hr admin, school management apllication etc..this is pure html, css application, you can use this for different technologies (php, java, dot net …etc)
- Bootstrap Grid System
- Font Awesome And Themify icons
- Google fonts
- Beatiful UI Kit
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Google and Vector Maps
- Carousel Slider
- Morris and FLot Charts
Lorvens Admin dashboard provides beautiful Bootstrap UI Kit
- Typography
- Buttons
- Cards
- Tabs
- Accordions
- Modals
- Lists & Media Object
- Grid
- Progress Bars
- Notifications & Alerts
- Pagination
- Carousel
- JavaScript Framework jQuery
- Images pexels, flaticon
- Fonts Google , fontawesome and Themify Icons
- CSS Framework Bootstrap
- Animations Animate.css
- Maps Google Maps API
- Maps Vector Maps API
- Maps Morris Charts API
- Maps Flot Charts API