Strict – Fully Featured, Responsive, Crossbrowser HTML Template developed specifically for any types of website, for example for: business, corporate, portfolios, blogs or marketing campaigns, etc. Strict is best suited for corporate website like consulting firms, tax help, insurance, loan, Investment firm etc. Clean, valid and commented code lets you customize it easily. Features List:
Corporate Bootstrap 4 Templates
Eduland – Academy & Training Courses HTML5 Template
Welcome to the most complete, comprehensive and flexible HTML website template, for Educational Institutions like Universities and Colleges, Online Courses / Online Learning and Events. Clean, crisp and simple design that can easily be adapted and used for variety of similar niche websites. Education Foundry is a clean, modern and minimalist responsive html Template. It’s
NewsEdge – News & Magazine HTML Template
News Edge – News & Magazine HTML Template NewsEdge is a clean and Modern HTML5 & CSS3 Template. NewsEdge is best suited for Blog, News & Magazine related web site. NewsEdge come with 7 different Home pages. Features Built Based on Bootstrap V 4.0 Total 20+ HTML Pages Included 7 Different Home pages 4 Different
ML – Responsive | Buissnes or Startup
Multi-purpose template with main page and blog pages, that can be used for all kind of startup or company like: software, service, plugins, platforms or offline business and many more; it’s fully responsive design was tested on all major handheld devices. Don’t wait – launch your company now! Suggestions We are also open to any
Litmus – Clean & Creative Multipurpose HTML Template
Litmus – Clean & Creative Agency HTML Template is a uniquely crafted modern looking theme with great details on the design which allows you to create any kind of Website like Creative Agency, Corporate, Organization, Personal Portfolio, Creative Blog, Gallery Photo, Fashion, Woocomerce, Restaurant and what not… Template Features Revolution Slider included worth ($14) Clean
BigTech-Business & Corporate Template
Overview: BIGTECH is a fully responsive Corporate & Business HTML5 Template with unique style and clean code. You can use BIGTECH for many purposes like General, Corporate, Creative, Portfolio, photography, Agency, Renovation, Fashion, Blog , Parallax, Landing and Event category. This template build with worlds most popular responsive CSS framework Bootstrap 3.x, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery
Pro-Education – Education, Academy & Training Courses
Pro-Education is a clean and modern HTML5 Template for all kinds of Educational center like School, College, University & Training center. It is perfect for any kind Educational website. It is easy to use. Pro-Education template comes with necessary features and pages for School, Colleges & University. Pages Index-1.html Index-2.html About-1.html About-2.html Course.html Contact.html course-detail.html
Blossom – Professional Business HTML Template
Blossom Business is an Unique and modern HTML template, which has been designed specially for Corporate, Startup Companies, Finance, Consultancy, Studios, Agency, Freelancers, Auditing Firm, and other High Profiled Business., Everything in this product is done with a special care to ensure the quality of this product. This product is an outcome of Our detailed
Book Landing Page – for E-Books and Books Authors
Book Landing Page is a fully responsive and modern HTML 5 template for e-books and book authors. It is specifically designed for eBooks but it’s contemporary design and clean look make it stand out and fit for all types of landing pages for example events, app, etc. Main features include: 1) Clean and W3C valid
Arc – One Page Corporate Responsive HTML Template
Arc template is a one page template for IT companies. will help you to create Top quality websites in barely any time.It has a nice design and it is easy to customize perfect as a basis for an entrepreneur or corporate website. It is really versatile since it can fit fo any type of brand